Oh! This is good!
I didn’t expect that actually. I know I like a lot of Zen Tea’s teas, but Almond Marzipan just sounded ho-hum and I’ve had this in my stash for a month or so without ever giving it a thought. I only made it today because I figured I’d better try it before it starts to get stale or something.
But oh! This is great! It’s nutty and sorta sweet and yes it reminds me of marzipan without being too strong that I don’t like it. (I like marzipan when it’s in things, but on it’s own it’s too much).
So thanks ozli! I now have more sleepytime options that aren’t just chamomile and lemon stuff.
Yay, I just ordered two sample packages of this one… but please don’t tell me tea goes stale after a month!
I’m sure it doesn’t but I just have it in a ziplock bag so I don’t want to risk it.
That sounds tasty!