So, it’s come to this… Time to break out the I’m sick – feel sorry for me tea. :| I knew it was going to happen though – hard to avoid when the baby has been sick the past few days and has trouble sleeping unless you’re holding her. Hopefully it’ll just hit me hard today and then I can shrug it off.
This tea is a pretty good start though. Sadly my first thought when I realised I was for sure sinusy/sick was ‘Oooh, time to try out these teas!’. I know you guys understand. I like this though and have tried it when I’m not sick. I’m not a huge ginger fan so the echinacea and mint do a good job covering it up and creating a tea that is remarkably soothing.
I may even want to restock this once I run out, although I hope I never really need to use it.
I’m happy my mom bought this one for me. This way she can take care of me while I’m sick, even from a different city (although I still gotta get up and brew it. :P)
awww, I’m sorry you’re sick dude :( will that baby sleep on anyone else to give you a break?