My mom surprised me with a pretty little glass teapot, and a few flowering teas. This is the first one!

I chose it because I felt like an oolong over a green, and the idea of a surprise flower inside intrigued me too. Though I suppose they all have flowers eh?

It tastes like a nice mellow oolong, with grassy notes and a flowery finish. I left the tea in the whole time and drank the pot myself so by the end of it the flowery notes dominated the blend. It’s an interesting experience and I like watching the tea brew in the pot. Pretty neat.

(if you’re a tea nerrrrrrd!)

I was going to post a picture of it but then I realized I no longer have a camera app on my phone! Whoops! I upgraded it to Cyanogenmod 10 yesterday (because my Galaxy 1 hasn’t been supported for a long time now) and I guess I missed a step. I think I figured it out. Will tinker while I sip away…


what a nice gift. it’s definitely the kind of thing i wouldn’t buy for myself cuz i have a fondness for black teas, but if someone gave it to me i’d relish the opportunity to excitedly taste and experience flowering teas for the first time. perfect gift for a TEA NERRRRD! high five


Aww, wow, that’s so nifty!!

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what a nice gift. it’s definitely the kind of thing i wouldn’t buy for myself cuz i have a fondness for black teas, but if someone gave it to me i’d relish the opportunity to excitedly taste and experience flowering teas for the first time. perfect gift for a TEA NERRRRD! high five


Aww, wow, that’s so nifty!!

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