I’ve been drinking this tea quite a bit lately. It’s not one of the more exciting teas but it is a good basic for me. I’m not sure how much it “cleans” me, I don’t really sense any diuretic qualities but if it helps flush toxins, well okay. The taste is slightly vanilla and nutty. No astringency. Rooibos is not upfront. It’s a nice laid back kind of tea. Resteeps well.

I have been working on losing weight and I went to weight watchers this morning and I’m down another half pound. :) Slow and steady wins the race, right? I’m also upping my exercise level… man, that’s hard. It’s so easy to sit and do nothing all day… watch tv, read, play on computer. I do some volunteering and stuff but again it’s all sitting down. My new rule when watching tv is that at every commercial break I have to get up and do something. Empty the dishwasher, vacuum the bedroom, clean bathroom, etc. I don’t know if it will help with the weight loss but at least I’ll get a little more done around the house.

Flavors: Nuts, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Slow and steady is the best way to do it. I really need to get back on the weight loss horse. I was doing great a while back and then I stalled. While I was stalled, I had emergency surgery and I couldn’t work out. When I was supposed to get back to things, but before I started back up again, I developed a weird complication that set me back for a few more weeks. Then my mom had heart surgery and I was her primary caretaker. I started to get back to things, but I wasn’t committed like I had been. Next thing I know…okay, slowly, but I didn’t stop it….I’m back in weight to where I started at and having a hard time committing to start again. (Although I’m not as big as I was, I weight the same/more than I did.)


And I like tea that tastes good. I don’t care what it’s called.

carol who

I’ve been doing the Weight Watcher’s thing. It has really helped me eat better and gives good support. And if you screw up, they support you rather than harass you :D One of their examples is… " if you drop an egg, you don’t just give up and break all of them. You just clean up and keep going." They are also good about recognizing that there are times you just want that cheesecake or greasy cheeseburger… have it, don’t feel guilty but plan how you can work those points into your weekly point allowance. They also give you “splurge” points each week, recognizing that we need those things to. Can you tell that I just came back from a WW meeting and I’m all psyched up? ;p Don’t be disappointed, just move on! :D


It’s hard to do if one isn’t fully committed, and right now, I’m just not. I need to be. I’m hoping with the warmer weather coming so the sidewalks are clear of snow and ice will help me get back to running again, and that I will get better about going to CrossFit. (I really was going to go today, but well, I didn’t have time to deal with the cat puke covered bag. (see Citrus Green tasting note.)) Once I get back into the swing of things it’ll hopefully go better.

Oh, and I have to start tracking again. If there is one thing I hate more than anything it’s tracking my food. I hate it. Hate it.

carol who

I’m right there with ya. Hate tracking.

Sami Kelsh

I had to stop tracking food because if I let myself, I get obsessed with counting, and I literally just spend all day counting and recounting. It’s… bad.


I could let you track my food for me, Sami. Heheheh.


I hate tracking too. It’s when I realize how hungry I am and have no points left that I really hate it…

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Slow and steady is the best way to do it. I really need to get back on the weight loss horse. I was doing great a while back and then I stalled. While I was stalled, I had emergency surgery and I couldn’t work out. When I was supposed to get back to things, but before I started back up again, I developed a weird complication that set me back for a few more weeks. Then my mom had heart surgery and I was her primary caretaker. I started to get back to things, but I wasn’t committed like I had been. Next thing I know…okay, slowly, but I didn’t stop it….I’m back in weight to where I started at and having a hard time committing to start again. (Although I’m not as big as I was, I weight the same/more than I did.)


And I like tea that tastes good. I don’t care what it’s called.

carol who

I’ve been doing the Weight Watcher’s thing. It has really helped me eat better and gives good support. And if you screw up, they support you rather than harass you :D One of their examples is… " if you drop an egg, you don’t just give up and break all of them. You just clean up and keep going." They are also good about recognizing that there are times you just want that cheesecake or greasy cheeseburger… have it, don’t feel guilty but plan how you can work those points into your weekly point allowance. They also give you “splurge” points each week, recognizing that we need those things to. Can you tell that I just came back from a WW meeting and I’m all psyched up? ;p Don’t be disappointed, just move on! :D


It’s hard to do if one isn’t fully committed, and right now, I’m just not. I need to be. I’m hoping with the warmer weather coming so the sidewalks are clear of snow and ice will help me get back to running again, and that I will get better about going to CrossFit. (I really was going to go today, but well, I didn’t have time to deal with the cat puke covered bag. (see Citrus Green tasting note.)) Once I get back into the swing of things it’ll hopefully go better.

Oh, and I have to start tracking again. If there is one thing I hate more than anything it’s tracking my food. I hate it. Hate it.

carol who

I’m right there with ya. Hate tracking.

Sami Kelsh

I had to stop tracking food because if I let myself, I get obsessed with counting, and I literally just spend all day counting and recounting. It’s… bad.


I could let you track my food for me, Sami. Heheheh.


I hate tracking too. It’s when I realize how hungry I am and have no points left that I really hate it…

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Retired first grade teacher. I tend to like dessert type/herbal teas as a substitute for sweet treats; flavored black teas and mates to get that energy that I am often lacking ;-p
My husband of 43 years thinks I’m nuts regarding the whole tea thing… but he bought me a Breville for Christmas, so what can I say. :-D
My other interests are reading (books go well with tea :D) and beading. I volunteer at my “old” school teaching reading and I volunteer for the blind. I am trying hard to lose weight ( I have now lost 40 lbs and I’m looking good in my skinny jeans, IMHO) I am now walking about 4.5 miles a day and I am trying to do some core work for about 30 min. 3x a week.

I have been watching Doctor Who for 33years. In case you can’t tell my avatar is two daleks drinking tea! I am always open to swapping Doctor Who books for tea. I have about 120 Doctor Who books that I am eager to send some to a fan. :D Let me know if you would like any books! I love that so many people have begun watching DW!

Also I love swaps, pm me if you’d like to do a swap.

Since I find others’ rating legends helpful, I added my own.

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is; will keep this stocked until the cows come home

90-94 First rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Excellent; likely to become a favorite, will likely buy more

70-79 Very good; would enjoy again, might buy again if in the mood for this particular one or a better, similar version not available or it’s on a really good sale :-)

50-69 Good; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but probably wouldn’t buy again unless craving this particular flavor

Below 50 Meh! Wouldn’t bother drinking it again.


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