Followed by 301 Tea Drinkers

greenteafairy 122 followers

Likes: greens, dark oolongs, genmaicha, fruity greens and oolongs, chai, matc...

Brett 20 followers

I am a part time college instructor and also work in human resources in a fam...

yssah 214 followers

Chai was my first love, and later fell hard for Earl Grey. Will always have a...

Fiddling 68 followers

I’m a Floridian living in Kansas and currently pursuing a physics Ph.D. by da...

Ramvling 19 followers

I’m an engineering student at Georgia Tech, and just stepping into the wonder...

bookshark 10 followers

I’ve just recently discovered the world of loose tea and am really enjoying m...

Crystal 18 followers

In slash/femslash fandoms of various size and scope; collects typewriters &am...

Dapper Tea 13 followers

I’m a twenty-three year old graduate. I love tea! And reading!

Polly 1 followers

Tea newbie! No sugar or milk in my tea.

yyz 312 followers



That’s my mug! I’ve never really been a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh, but I like the fact that this mug is more or less clear. Plus, I can’t help but giggle when I say “ewww …I have Pooh on my mug” and people in the room gawk in horror before realizing I’m talking about Winnie. Am I easily amused? heck yeah!

A little something about my interests? – In no particular order, I love tea, makeup, paper crafting (card making), home renovations, and gardening.

As a rule, I tend to drink my tea without adding anything, but if that doesn’t work for me, I indulge in the fact that rules are meant to be broken. Yep! I’m such a rebel…sometimes I even color outside the of lines :P



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