So yet another tea from the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt. 1).
I really rather loved this tea and need to get my hands on more. I had this tea on October 8th and Jan 28th. I really had fun having this tea and was able to re-steep it too, so more awesome!
Dry leaf: the tea was in a tea bag, but i was still able to note the sweet scent, which I find really alluring to my senses.
Steeped: When steeped, the scent is both sweet and subtle. The water is a dark color, brown with purple-y tints. The tea itself is both sweet and surprisingly light for a black tea. The taste is also solid in the the berry sense.
I really found the tea’s taste perfect, it was not too sweet flavor-wise. It was very soothing. And like I said, it is alluring and entrancing to taste and smell.
I put some of the decaf blackberry sage in the recent version of the box which I think made it’s way to you fairly recently. Curious if they taste the same or similar.
I put some of the decaf blackberry sage in the recent version of the box which I think made it’s way to you fairly recently. Curious if they taste the same or similar.
I’’ll Let you know…. thats a tea that’s for sure in the pile of teas to try. And I like a good decaf once in a while… so we shall see if it is as good as this one _