43 Tasting Notes
I don’t really have a whole lot to say about this one. It has a nice oolong flavor to it and produces a lovely scent and color. It tasted good, but wasn’t spectacular. I meant to write this yesterday, as that is when I drank this tea. I would save the note for the next time I make this, but my sample has been exhausted. I will say that with Adagio recommending two heaping teaspoons per cup, you’ll go through this tea very quickly…you can probably get by with a little less than that, depending on your personal preferences, but you’ll definitely want to try to get a few steepings out of it.
Mmmm…this tea is delicious. It has just the right amount of jasmine, especially noticeable in the scent and the aftertaste, without being overpowering. The silver needleness is still there and is quite nice. The tea brews darker than I expected and is very smooth and relaxing, but still nice to look forward to first think in the morning. Thanks Samovar…I’ll enjoy this tin and order from you again in the future.
I must agree with several other notes that I’ve read regarding this tea, as I was expecting a little bit more of a punch. Don’t get me wrong, I like this tea. It is, however, a milder Assam than I was expecting. I think the only basis for my assumption, however, is that the only other Assams I’ve ever had have been a little stronger. That said, the tea was pleasantly mellow but stout and solid. I may try a bit more leaf next time, but regardless this tea is pretty good.
I found this tea to be quite tasty. It seemed somewhat bolder and stronger than many whites that I’ve tasted, which I liked. Smooth and slightly floral, it produced a nice golden color. On the second steeping, I went with a cooler 185° for eight minutes. I think it turned out better at 195°, so I’ll probably stick with that. I’m looking forward to enjoying the rest of the tin.
This is a decent black tea, though not spectacular to my tasting buds. I didn’t really pick up much of the boldness or peppery taste…it’s like the tea was weak, but not weak like I didn’t steep it long enough. I’ll probably try to steep it a little longer to see if I can eke some more flavor out of it, but I’m worried that too much longer is going to take me straight to “bitter town.” In any event, it’s certainly not bad, and I’ll bump my rating if I can bump the taste.
I tried this tea for the first time this morning and it made me wish for a bigger travel mug! Fortunately, I have already ordered a bigger travel mug and will therefore soon have a bigger travel mug. As for the tea, I do love me some oolong and I quite enjoyed the magnolia blossom scentedness of this one. I’m a big jasmine fan, but this was rather nice in a floral-scented-but-not-jasmine sort of way. The tea wasn’t terribly dark after steeping for five minutes, so I’ll be sure to experiment with a longer steep in the future. I’m looking forward to resteeping when I get back home.
This tea really hit the spot for me today, snowed in as I am. I’m generally not one for abstract analysis of the imagery-type variety, but today this tea seems like a perfect reflection of the snow-and-ice-covered world outside: bold and interesting, yet smooth and quiet at the same time. It’s tough to nail down a perfect description though…it’s not smoky like A&D’s Carävan, but there’s maybe a suggestion of it in there somewhere along with a hint of sweetness. I might describe it differently tomorrow, but I do say that it’s quite good and I quite like it.
This tea truly is about what you would expect in terms of “vanilla” + “green tea” = “vanilla green tea.” The scent and taste are largely dominated by the vanilla, in my estimation. It produces a very nice amber color. I don’t terribly care for the vanilla however. It’s ok, but not really my, uh, cup of tea, so to say. My wife loves this tea, however, and it’s one of her favorites, so we keep it around and I do drink it from time to time.
I like this tea. It has a nice jasmine taste and a particularly nice jasmine scent. I recommend finding the steeping time that works best for you, however, as I don’t think the recommended five minutes is necessarily your best bet…it can get a little strong and can easily start to border on bitterness. Tack on an extra minute for each resteeping and enjoy!