2021 harvest/roast.
I love this tea so much. It is the selection that was thrown out as a possible replacement for an oolong I really enjoyed from August Uncommon… I tasted this stuff and that was the day I stopped chasing flavored teas in favor of exploring varieties/regions/craft. I’ve been drinking this so much that I’m afraid of losing the subtleties before I review it, so let me get to it…
First steep pours light brown with a nose of leather, cedar, floral perfume. Floral and charcoal notes come through up front, without a rinse.
Second steep is bigger leather and cedar, more floral, more easy charcoal… the roast is not intrusive, just underlies the other flavor components beautifully.
Third steep, tobacco. Wet leaves. Through several more steeps, the florality holds strong. Even the watery steeps are nicely leafy and twiggy.
This tea is just such a heady, lovely thing. Oolong gateway.
Flavors: Cedar, Charcoal, Floral, Leather, Perfume, Tobacco, Wood