Yum, this white blend is very tasty – a blend that is a must try if you like floral fruity teas!
Plum Blossom White is refreshing, full flavored with purple plum and delicate floral notes. The plum here is very nice, one of the better plum blends I’ve had. It is a little artificial, but not as artificial as other plum blends. The floral here isn’t outright jasmine as the plum blends perfectly, making it a flowery plum. The aftertaste of this tea lingers for awhile too after each sip!
Plum Blossom White also makes for an excellent cold steep. I did a 24 hour steeping (longer than intended) and the floral came out more, with a nice stone fruit sweet edge to it.
Full review of this tea on my blog, The Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.com/plum-blossom-white-tea-simple-loose-leaf-oolong-owl-tea-review/
Flavors: Flowers, Plum