I’ve had the tea bag version of this but now I’m trying it loose. I don’t remember it being this roasty dark before. It’s like lightly roasted nectar. It’s not my normal green oolong but it has the floral notes so it is a bit of a dark oolong beginner tea. I don’t think it would actually be considered a darker oolong, more straddling the line, but my green-geared taste buds are reading it that way but still enjoying it and that’s all I really ask. I could totally enjoy something like this so I’m bumping up the rating.
Second Steep: 3 minutes. The roasty taste is softer now and there is a more straight floral/nectar taste to it. It’s not overly strong but still tasty, though the second steep lacks a bit of the depth the first one had. (And I feel obnoxious typing that. Can I be more of a tea snot?)