The first time I tried this tea I thought it was a little weak. I definitely tasted the lime but I wasn’t getting the creaminess. I still enjoyed it but I was a little underwhelmed.
Yesterday, however, I used my Timolino for the first time! I didn’t really measure out how much tea I put in the infuser but I decided to make it a little stronger. And then I realized I was running late for work and I left the infuser in while I drove to work. So 20 minutes later I took the infuser out and YUM! This time I definitely got more of a creamy lime taste. It was absolutely delicious. The lime isn’t too overpowering and you get that hint of creaminess at the end. I’ve only had this one hot, but I’m excited to try it iced as well. I think this is one I will be repurchasing so that I can try it iced when the weather gets warmer!