drank True Love Flower Tea by Teavivre
3495 tasting notes

Since my guest enjoyed the flowering tea last week, I decided to serve a flowering tea again this week. I have been craving really good green tea lately, probably because of my Teavivre samples that have been so delicious. This one was beautiful and very good. We steeped it only twice because I used a slighter larger pot this time. I had three cups! Thank you, Angel and Teavivre!
I am looking forward to putting together my first Teavivre order!


I’m glad that you like it^^


How much water do you think should be used with these blooming teas? I was thinking maybe three cups?


I think I started with about two at the most, and each time I poured a couple of small cups, around four ounces each, I added a small amount of hot water back to resteep. I believe I may even have been just shy of sixteen ounces for the first.


Thanks! I’ll try 16 oz. I want to try this one over the holidays for certain!


I just saw that the glass pot sold on Lupicia especially for blooming teas are only a little over seven ounces. That makes sense. I noticed at Southern Season that they steep their blooming tea in a wine goblet which wouldn’t be much more than that, and they don’t fill it all the way. It definitely resteeps well, though.


That seems so small. These blooms would completely fill that pot up. Guess I will have to try it that way once. I was using an 8 cup coffee decanter – 8 cup thats 4 real cups!


I have a liter carafe – I have to try filling with say 10 oz and see if it is too shallow. I may have to buy a tiny charming glass pot – oh how terrible :)


I used my Bodum iced tea glass carafe. It is about 40 ounces, I think, but I only filled it about one-fourth of the way up.

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I’m glad that you like it^^


How much water do you think should be used with these blooming teas? I was thinking maybe three cups?


I think I started with about two at the most, and each time I poured a couple of small cups, around four ounces each, I added a small amount of hot water back to resteep. I believe I may even have been just shy of sixteen ounces for the first.


Thanks! I’ll try 16 oz. I want to try this one over the holidays for certain!


I just saw that the glass pot sold on Lupicia especially for blooming teas are only a little over seven ounces. That makes sense. I noticed at Southern Season that they steep their blooming tea in a wine goblet which wouldn’t be much more than that, and they don’t fill it all the way. It definitely resteeps well, though.


That seems so small. These blooms would completely fill that pot up. Guess I will have to try it that way once. I was using an 8 cup coffee decanter – 8 cup thats 4 real cups!


I have a liter carafe – I have to try filling with say 10 oz and see if it is too shallow. I may have to buy a tiny charming glass pot – oh how terrible :)


I used my Bodum iced tea glass carafe. It is about 40 ounces, I think, but I only filled it about one-fourth of the way up.

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


North Carolina

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