This is a very pleasant tea! I would not have known it was a puer if I had not read the description and QG’s tasting note. I have had puer that smelled like shrimp, like fish, or like a horse farm. (And I liked them okay, they tasted smooth and sweet in spite of their aroma.) This is not like that at all! The toasted fig adds lovely flavor and body, and the coconut is subtle and adds a little creaminess to the cup. This is very good puer – this is very good tea! Thank you, QG!
200 °F / 93 °C
2 min, 15 sec
Liked it before, liking it better and better as it cools and more flavors come out to play. The barest hint of the fennel is there, but it adds a nice note to the cup. Yum! No bitterness in this at all.