One of the Wednesday tea party/tasting teas! Reading the description, and seeing that the Germans add CREAM (not milk) and sugar, I was a little afraid to try this! If you need cream in it, surely it must be bitter or astringent.
What a pleasant surprise! The aroma had nice honey notes, and the first sip – as always – was without additions. And the whole cup stayed that way! Though it is a little astringent it was not unpleasantly so, and wasn’t strong at all. This made a nice tea to go with our cookies, but I don’t think it is strong enough for my breakfast tea!
Your weekly tea parties sound just yummy. So does this tea (sighs covetously then shakes her head, scolding herself, “and where do you think you have room for MORE tea tins?”)
And though I have always told our guests, “Don’t bring anything! Just come!”, they always bring the yummiest cookies and things! We’ve just been introduced to TimTams which are almost candy bars rather than cookies, but my faves are the McVities Fruit Shortcake cookies and Hobnobs. Of course, all the Pepperidge Farm cookies are good, too! Sometimes we do fresh homemade bread with jams, butter, and apple butter. And the conversation is the BEST!
Your weekly tea parties sound just yummy. So does this tea (sighs covetously then shakes her head, scolding herself, “and where do you think you have room for MORE tea tins?”)
And though I have always told our guests, “Don’t bring anything! Just come!”, they always bring the yummiest cookies and things! We’ve just been introduced to TimTams which are almost candy bars rather than cookies, but my faves are the McVities Fruit Shortcake cookies and Hobnobs. Of course, all the Pepperidge Farm cookies are good, too! Sometimes we do fresh homemade bread with jams, butter, and apple butter. And the conversation is the BEST!