The jury is still out on this one. I am over matcha’ed today but of course I decided to go ahead and try this done. I bought it because it was a good price, hoping it would knock my socks off. I believe it was $17.99 for two ounces. It came in a ziplock pouch. I buy my vanilla beans from this company and they are the best I have ever seen and unbelievably cheap, so I had high hopes for this matcha.
While it is not the best I have ever had, it is far from the worst. There is no bitterness but it is grassy and earthy. It made a decent latte, which is what I bought it for. This is less vegetal, less smooth and buttery than Kai Matcha Premium. My Nuvola sample was also more buttered veggie flavored than this one.
I will keep experimenting with this and see what happens. I also used raw cane sugar instead of honey this time and used less of it, so that could be a factor in my opinion as well.