drank Dong Ding Light by Harney & Sons
3496 tasting notes

I made three steeps of this tonight, gong fu style, and mixed them. I still have enough of my sample to do this one more time. Hooray!

I went out with hubby for Chinese buffet tonight and this is my dessert. (Unless I cave and go to CookOut and get the 99 cent shake of the week which is cappuccino in which case THAT will be my dessert but we won’t talk about that right now. Then this will just be my after dinner tea.)

I did a quick wash of the leaves before steeping. They were nicely opening up when I made the first steep, but still not completely there. The liquor is a soft, golden yellow. There is a hint of astringency, not in a bad way. I am drinking this because a couple of days ago the memory of oolong suddenly it my mouth and I have been craving it ever since. For some reason, though, I have been having tea only with guests and have made flavored or plain black tea every time.

This is truly lemony, especially when you are not pairing it with food. It does pair well with food, but right now…Oof. Too much food in my tummy already!


go get the blasted shake! and shouldn’t this be ding dong the witch is dead?


I would, Bonnie, but I would have to throw up first. Or I can just wait two hours for my food to settle. It IS Chinese, after all. :D


I LOVE Dong Ding! Never heard of “light” dong ding – interesting!


I hate it when I really want a cup of tea, but I’m so full I have no room for tea…….and I HATE waiting-especially when i’m really in the mood for tea [which is most of my waking life!].

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go get the blasted shake! and shouldn’t this be ding dong the witch is dead?


I would, Bonnie, but I would have to throw up first. Or I can just wait two hours for my food to settle. It IS Chinese, after all. :D


I LOVE Dong Ding! Never heard of “light” dong ding – interesting!


I hate it when I really want a cup of tea, but I’m so full I have no room for tea…….and I HATE waiting-especially when i’m really in the mood for tea [which is most of my waking life!].

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


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