Since I liked the THC-free sample, I picked up a sample of the real product. While brewing, it smells of turmeric, ginger, and something else I didn’t pick up in the sample, probably marijuana.
I was right. The strong turmeric and ginger flavors mostly mask the THC flavor. I get a bit of a THC note at the end of the sip and in the aftertaste.
It says “feel the effects in 30-90 minutes.” Yup, starting to feel it somewhere in that range, lost track of time, lol. This is the one designed for pain. They have another one designed for sleep, but since I had already sampled this flavor, I went for it to compare.
The THC aftertaste lingers a long time, much longer than the other flavors. Huh, it’s getting harder to type. I think I’ll be going to bed early. This stuff makes me sleepy mostly. A bit floaty too.
Flavors: Ginger
Sweet dreams :)
I had an odd dream, not bad. Slept great. :)