Pure Bud… something about this doesn’t exactly sound like tea!
I decided to gong fu this beauty this morning. Normally I like to let my black teas steep Western style, for about 2 minutes or more. When you gong fu this for about 30 seconds, some very nice elegant flavors emerge. There is the sweet potato, molasses and brown sugary type of goodness.
2nd steep I did for 1 minute, and in addition to the sweet potato/sugary notes some bittersweet chocolate and malt are coming to the surface.
3rd steep at 2 minutes is around the same. This tea is nice plain but I also like it with some soymilk added, the creaminess of the soymilk makes the sweet potato notes kind of dessert like. I am also getting more fruity apricot in this steep.
I found this tea quite dee-licious! I don’t understand the negative reviews but if you have some of this you aren’t wanting, I will gladly take it off your hands. :)