I’m back at home from my marketing communications class, which should be really interesting I think. I found out I got an A in my writing class and that made me happy!
Figured I would have a warm cup of something. I hope this doesn’t keep me awake since it’s green tea. But when you look in the package it is so full of cinnamon chips and other spices I figure it has 1/2 the caffeine of a normal green tea.
Looking over the reviews, this seems to be a tea that people either love or hate. It’s very strong in the cinnamon department, for sure. I know there’s supposed to be an orange element in here but I can barely taste that over the cinnamon and clove. It is very spicy and even numbs my tongue when I’m drinking it (due to the pepper, I think). I thought this was good with a bit of soymilk in it, which made it more chai like. I may try with a bit of sweetener too. Overall I liked it fairly well but it isn’t for wimps. At least it isn’t as strong as the hot cinnamon spice from Harney and Sons, which literally made me want to throw up.
Congrats on the A in writing!
Thanks… I’d love to continue with the writing classes. Maybe I will.
Congrats you DID It!! Yeah hio oh!!
thanks :)