Thanks to Tamm I have been craving this! I broke down and bought one today. The guava puree is delicious and is the perfect foil for the fizzy, fermented kombucha. It’s true the flavor is quite vinegary and sour, but I kinda like that! It reminds me a bit of beer.
If they weren’t so expensive, I’m sure I’d be drinking them all the time. Yay for probiotics!
I miss the version that they made before they were recalled a couple years ago. They use to be more potent and fizzier. I liked them better that way! :)
I miss the version that they made before they were recalled a couple years ago. They use to be more potent and fizzier. I liked them better that way! :)
I know about the cost thing! These are super tasty. If the cost was less I’d probably order this one by the case. I think it’s become my favorite one! lolol Share the craving!