I do like this tea. I enjoy it most with a MAXIMUM three minute steep and water just short of boiling, because I find it becomes very bitter. Today, however, I decided to boil it on the stove top as I like to do with my Saigon Chai. Save yourself the trouble, don’t do it. It turned out as dark as coffee, and was so bitter I couldn’t drink it. Not the bitterness of green tea, it was more of a.. resounding bitterness that rendered this cup undrinkable. I ended up dousing it in agave and milk, to make it just okay. It just doesn’t change my life the way that I wish it would – This is one that I truly wish tasted the way that it smelled. Not only that, I feel like as a chai, this tea should be able to handle heavy steeping for those who like to bring out the spiciness (or in this case, pumpkin-ness). Also, AS A CHAI, I feel like this tea is way way too sweet. This tea should be called Pumpkin Muffin or some crap, because I’m just not getting any resounding chai out of it.
Sorry for being as bitter as my tea.
5 min, 0 sec