I haven’t had kukicha before and it was a pretty interesting experience. I steeped according to info found on the internet, but I think next time I’ll go a bit hotter and a bit longer. There’s an interesting flavor there, but I’m not sure I’m getting the best of it in this cup.
The leaves aren’t so much leaves as little sticks. Sort of reminds me of very fine mulch or tambark, but more uniform in size, shape and color. I do get a bit of a chocolately aroma from sticking my nose into the tin. And it’s there in the steeped tea, too, a sort of toasty chocolate, like a very subtle ’smores aroma. The tea is almost copper in color, pink/brown/yellow.
I say I’m not sure I’m getting the most flavor out of this because it comes across as subtle, a sort of houjicha-ish flavor but a darker note. It’s classified as a green tea, and it does have that character in a houjicha-ish way, but I think I expect more flavor because of how it looks.
Which has no basis in anything other than some weird association in my brain.
I like it. I think I would prefer houjicha if I was going for a roasty green tea, but perhaps this will grow on me. It leaves and interesting coolness in them mouth. It has a barky, bamboo like aftertaste.
It’s fun to try something new and different for a change.
Flavors: Bamboo, Bark, Chocolate, Green Wood
I love green kukicha. Never tried it roasted before.