Following 17 Tea Drinkers

QueenOfTarts 348 followers

~ Tea (& Coffee) lover. Bookworm. Favorite teas: Milk Oolong, Flavored bl...

Lindsey 70 followers

A tea fanatic who works in the tech sector, I purchase most of my tea online....

tattooed_tea 164 followers

Heavily tattooed mom of two. Lover of tea. Body piercer. Addicted to tea &amp...

Kittenna 634 followers

I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) ...

Jason 623 followers

UPDATE: As of 2020, we have sold Steepster to Adagio Teas. Going forward, we ...

Scheherazade 264 followers

Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...



A Tea Fanatic Country Girl! I’m obesessed with DavidsTEA!! Who wants to Sample and try new teas? ;)


Quebec Canada

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