Back logging in from my notes. I made this for me and my mom Western style. I will do a proper Gonfu one later. She thinks it’s ok, but she really isn’t a green tea person. Neither am I, but I am learning to appreciate it.
1st Steep
Cinnamony tasted with savory undertones and sweet grass flavor and crisp coolness of apples in the aftertaste.
cooled: more creamy and sweet.
2nd Steep
More nutty warm tones. A bit more savory with citrus tang zing. More crisp dry after taste then before. SIP: Wow I really taste lime in the after taste.
3rd Steep
Very light body, and BASIL. LOTS OF BASIL. It is a lot more Vegetal too. It seems to have a light citrus after taste. I really want to eat some Italian food with this. hmmmmm, garlic bread.
Fridge Cold: Nothing special, much better warm.
Overall: The first steep is ok, but the 2ond one is the best. Personally I would combine the 2ond and 3rd steep for the best experience.
Water: 2 cups per steep
Sweetner: none or just a few drops of light Agave
Brew Style: Western
Leaf: 2 tsp
Pot: Glass, with open top