I’ve become a little too lackadaisical in my tea preparation lately, so I went back to basics with this one. I carefully measured the amount of tea leaves, double checked that the water temperature was correct, and set a timer. Most importantly I watched the timer rather than waking away and forgetting it for 10 minutes.
Lo and behold, I was gifted an ever so lovely cup of tea for my efforts. Really, this tea is dang tasty. Lots of fruit, honey, and chocolate flavors that blend nicely into each other.
So, it turns out that following the directions can be a good thing. Go figure. But the resteep.. all bets are off there, and I can play forgetful mad scientist again. :)
And careful measurement also rewards one with a consistently enjoyable cup of tea. It also minimizes frustration, and wasting valuable tea & one’s time.
Yep. Isn’t it amazing how that works. ;)