Tea of the morning. I’ve received this tea twice in swaps, and I enjoyed it both times. Now I finally have my own bag of this. Yay for picking out my own Christmas presents! :)
I was curious to see how it would taste because the first time I had this it was full of sweet potato and floral notes. The second time I tasted chocolate and bread. This time? Sweet potato, honey, and nuts. It almost taste like that sweet potato casserole with the marshmallows on top (minus the marshmallows). In other words, it’s delightfully tasty. The sweet potato and nut flavors give it an earthy feel with the sweetness coming right at the end of the sip. Very smooth, very nice.
The second steep is similar to the first with a bready note add to the mix. As the tea cools I can taste malt as well. Both steeps were enjoyable. I’ll probably steep the leaves again later today. They definitely have more to give.
This note makes me want to drink this one today!
It’s a good one. :)