From Pass the Stash TTB 2.0
I like citrus flavored teas, and I love Darjeeling, so I have high hopes for this one.Honestly, I don’t know how I missed this one when Frank first offered it, but I’m happy to see it in the TTB.
Because it’s a Darjeeling I boiled the water and allowed it to cool to around 200 degrees. The first sip reminds me strongly of orange rid and does have a fair bit of astringency. I don’t consider some dryness a bad thing in a Darjeeling, so I’m good with this. As the tea cools some there is much more of the dreamsicle flavor which melds really well with the muscatel notes in the tea. Lots of bright orange flavor and a nice creaminess. This is definitely the golden spot for this tea. It does make me wonder if this would be a good cold brew. I’ll have to try that before passing this one along.