This is the second tea I decided to give another go. One of the advantages of being up before the sun is having extra time for the kettle to cool so the water for my white tea is at the correct temperature. I think I rushed this the first time around.
So, after letting the kettle come to a boil and then cool for 25 minutes I steeped the tea, and even while it was steeping I knew I would like it more this time. There was a nice strong coconut scent and a very floral note that smelled fantastic. [Note to self: Try other lychee teas!!] The tea in my cup was darker than I expected (Maybe I under leafed and/or steeped last time?) but the taste was sweet and fruity with the coconut flavor most present at the end of the sip. Nice! Very summer-y, and a tea I can see being fantastic iced.
Thanks VariaTEA for this sample. I’m glad I gave it another try. Bumped up my rating to reflect my current thoughts.