709 Tasting Notes
It’s been a while for this one. Not a favourite, but I bought it and most tea deserves to be drank. I steeped for a shorter time today hoping to avoid hibiscus (just not in the mood for it) and the flavour has come out very light. not really a whole lot of anything, just a light flavoured bright yellow herbal. Meh.
Hm, this one is not quite right this morning. Maybe I still have mouthwash taste going on from brushing my teeth, but it’s been a while. It’s surprisingly oversweet at the end of the sip, with the tartness of the hibiscus coming in right away but then fading off. Still yummy, but not my best mug of it. Maybe because it’s been steeping for an hour in my travel mug, but I do that often. Hm.
This was my breakfast tea today…in usual morning style I poured, thought about only steeping it for 3.5 minutes and then steeped it for 5.5 without thinking. Oh, where does the time go in the morning? I was a bit concerned about over-steeping, but today it hasn’t hurt the tea at all. There is a yummy apple taste at the front of the sip, maybe sort of like a baked apple and the tea is there at the end of the sip. It is leaning toward bitter at the very end because of my over-steepage, but that’s my own fault. I’ve also never figured out what astringency means tastewise, so I don’t know how that is. It’s so strange to be totally unsure about what a word means…
Finally, a cup of tea! This is the first one that I have had time to ake so far today. The lovely beau tucked out 50 g bag of Zing Me into my purse so that I could have some of this today. I might need to try to get a bit more of this delight before it’s all gone, since it’s been discontinued. However, I do have a new peach apricot from Sawadee to try – Maybe it will live up to my Zing Me standards : )
I’ve opted for a shorter steep today, and will probably get to enjoy 2 or 3 cups. This (the first) infusion is very sweet – peachy, apricotty. Delicious. There is a slight ginger burn at the end, and the base tea is there underneath it all more in smell than anything, but it is there. Almost reminiscent of Cloud Nine right now, only with that juicy peach as well.
EDIT: Second steep came out quite nice. Still peachy, not much there by way of ginger or tea. Surprisingly sweet, but that could be the absence of tea and ginger. I didn’t realize how much they do to temper the sweetness of the fruit! This cup was steeped 5 minutes or do…I forgot about it. D’oh!
Aiiiiieeee!!!!! It’s been discontinued!?!? Noooooo!! This is one of my favorite teas from David’s! I must get there and stock up asap! Thanks for the heads up! :)
I’ve never tried steeping this tea twice, definitely going to attempt it today!
I think I threw a post about it on the discussion board, but that would have been on Saturday. I am still a little heartbroken…we bought an extra 50 g to top up and are now hoping that our DT gets another bag in (I hate the bottom of the tin – Everything is broken!). It’s still online though, so you can order some if the local shops are out.
My work tea! I’ve been having bad dreams for a few weeks so I figured that today I would just drink soothing favourite teas to try to knock the ghosties away. The best part is that I don’t think I’m upset about anything! Stupid subconscious…
The tea is lovely. i continue to get a blueberry-esque flavour, with delicious fruit. not heavy on the rooibos, great to sit in a travel mug for ages.
Had a steaming pot of this for breakfast this morning. We established that the beau prefers his with a splash of milk – He found it a lovely improvement. I left mine “black” as I tend to do. The dry smell is amazing, as always. Reminiscent of caramel, vanilla, marshmallows and maybe even syrup. Steeped, I lose a lot of that depth (I find this tea does best with a bit of extra leaf – Though I never remember that until it’s too late). Good base, good flavours, good tea!
De-cupboarding! With my volume of tea, it’s probably for the best to get a few items finished off. I’ve left the bag in this cup far longer than intended but it hasn’t hurt it any. This is a perfectly pleasant peach tea but I had the good fortune to try Sawadee’s peack apricot black last week adn think that I have finally found my favourite peach tea – loose leaf!
EDIT: Had a bit of a funky taste, realized after looking at the ingredients that it’s that soapy flowery chamomile taste I hate. It’s trying to overtake the peach – Scratch what I said earlier about not being hurt by an oversteep. Chamomile is blech!
Once again, we agree – although you were much generous in rating than I would be! My mom loves this one, but it’s just too BLECH for me. Agreed on the chamomile – it’s overkill!
I quite liked it until today. Well, I thought it was okay until today : )
I hate chamomile though. I’d prefer it didn’t exist.
Celestial Seasonings blends seem to me to smell and sound much better than they taste. I used to wonder if I’d steeped the box by mistake. I used to get really mad with them, because the box art and copy are so enticing, yet 9 times out of 10, the tea or tisane really disappoints me. I can think of two exceptions: the pear white tea, with a kimono-ed cat painting as box art, and Emperer’s Choice, a ginseng blend, now discontinued.
I opted to bring a travel mug full of this to work today…Didn’t know what I wanted, but this sounded good – and was it ever! I never really get that caramel hit, but I’m noticing pieces of it in the rooibos as I get lower in the tin so I think it might have all settled being the heaviest ingredient. The pear is very forward and quite juicy, with the rooibos and the caramel taking a backseat. I still don’t turn to this one regularly but it’s nice to have in my cupboard!