(Serious) backlog. I bought some of this last weekend, I think, on a whim. i am a pretty big fan of Davids Tea’s Lime Bang, and I was concerned this would be the same. Luckily, I was wrong. There is a disctinct creaminess to the tea, apparently frmo the yogurt pieces. The flavour was surprisingly accurate to lime gelato, though it could maybe have almost done with a hint more lime. This is one that I think I will re-buy, and am glad to have it. Will do a more detailed note another time…maybe at the time I drink it, for example. :)
Have you ever tried DT’s Lime Bang? It is their ‘other’ (read: original) lime tea. There are definite similarities between the two, but it’s the only other lime tea I’ve managed to stumble across so far.
I just added this to my amazon wishlist based on your review. I love lime!
Have you ever tried DT’s Lime Bang? It is their ‘other’ (read: original) lime tea. There are definite similarities between the two, but it’s the only other lime tea I’ve managed to stumble across so far.
Lime bang is great. I can’t wait to try this one. Going to DTs on Tuesday. Yippee.