Second steep…All the little bits of mint and rooibos are floating at the top of my mug…I love watching tea steep! This steep is a little weaker than others have been in the past, but I’m also dealing with a larger mug than I’m used to. I don’t think I’ll push it to a third today, but this second is really quite good. It is more of a true mint flavour, since most of the creamy and tea aspects backed off in the first. Not a sharp mint, still true to the mojito flavour, but really good. I so love this tea, even if the liquor does look nasty like swampwater in my blue mug. : )
OK, you’re the unofficial spokesperson for David’s Tea, right? I’ve figured you out? lol
I’m actually going to treat myself to that perfect tea mug you mentioned your guy bought you. I need a larger mug for work -w/infuser is bonus. Seems like it is working well for you… (lucky)
: ) I am overfond of David’s Tea…I think largely due to the lack of tea shops in my area. There are only three independents and one chain (the chain being David’s Tea). I’m not much of an internet shopper as I like to smell and see things first (exceptions being 52Teas and Joy’s Teaspoon!) I also prefer strongly flavoured teas, which is what DT does best : )
I’m sure there are lots of other mugs out there that would work, for a better price ($20 is a bit steep, in my books) but it’s super cute and I’ve wanted one for a while. I’ve recently developed a bit of a teacup obsession to go nicely with my journal, book, tea obsessions.
OK, you’re the unofficial spokesperson for David’s Tea, right? I’ve figured you out? lol
I’m actually going to treat myself to that perfect tea mug you mentioned your guy bought you. I need a larger mug for work -w/infuser is bonus. Seems like it is working well for you… (lucky)
: ) I am overfond of David’s Tea…I think largely due to the lack of tea shops in my area. There are only three independents and one chain (the chain being David’s Tea). I’m not much of an internet shopper as I like to smell and see things first (exceptions being 52Teas and Joy’s Teaspoon!) I also prefer strongly flavoured teas, which is what DT does best : )
I’m sure there are lots of other mugs out there that would work, for a better price ($20 is a bit steep, in my books) but it’s super cute and I’ve wanted one for a while. I’ve recently developed a bit of a teacup obsession to go nicely with my journal, book, tea obsessions.