661 Tasting Notes
I got this back in Feb and forgot to even try it. So this tea is a very complex tea. Let me try to describe it. It’s kind of like a black or a pu’erh and yet not like them. I can smell charcoal from the tea. It brews up dark. I can taste the oolong along with a charcoal taste and a deep sweetness like a plum or molasses. It says there are cinnamon, musk and amber notes in it on the package but I’m not really picking up any cinnamon. I am holding off rating this tea for now until I’ve had a few more cups of this. I steeped for 3 minutes so I will try some different steep times and see what I like.
My second review on this tea. My rating wasn’t too high the first time but I have since re-ordered and continue to enjoy this tea. Took it in my Timolino to work today. It’s a great tea to take in the Timolino as it’s brewed at such a low temperature with very little steep time.
Flavors: Coconut
I’ve had this in my cupboard for awhile and have had lots of cups from it. I even ordered more in February so this is definitely one of my favourite teas. An unusual tea to have this early in the morning but I already got a punch from my genmatcha tea. I love the chestnut flavour mixed with the delicate white. There is Jasmine in this but I don’t taste it. Doesn’t matter. It’s still a great brew.
Flavors: Nuts
Another tea in my cupboard I’ve had a few times already but failed to leave a tasting note. This tea is a light green with a light vegetal taste. The apricot is balanced nicely with it and comes through as a strong note. It’s a great tea to have late afternoon or even in the evening because it’s decaf.
Flavors: Apricot
This was showing up that I had it twice already in my cupboard but I don’t remember it. I didn’t leave a tasting note either that I can find. How strange. Perhaps because the oolong doesn’t really stand out in this tea. I think for me (I don’t like Chai too strong) the chai flavouring is done right. Brewed up it smells kind of like coffee cake but the taste is different. I’m picking up a nutty chai flavour with a creamy oolong base. I added a bit of coconut milk to the 2nd cup and it seemed to bring out the chai/nutty flavour a bit more but it wasn’t a big difference. I’m really enjoying this tea but not enough to want to buy more once my sample is gone. It could be because I normally don’t like some of the chai teas.
Flavors: Nuts
I picked this up from The Tea Emporium in Oakville. When I wanted to add a picture I couldn’t find it on their website. Maybe they don’t have it up there yet? I oversteeped this tea accidentally by an extra 2 minutes but it’s still good. There is a sweetness and lightness to the white tea. Sometimes I had trouble picking up the strawberry notes as they were so light. Overall a very delicate tea. Great for the afternoon. It’s still morning and I’m having it now because I had two black teas this morning and need to reduce my caffeine.
I thought this was a green tea. The leaves looked kind of green in the clear bag MissB had sent but there was no brewing instructions. No problem. Just brought it up on here and saw it was a black tea. Maybe the cinnamon coated the black leaves and made them look green??? So I brewed it with boiling water. It smells delicious. I could sit all day and sniff this. For taste it’s okay. The black tea is a robust tea . The cinnamon mellows it out somewhat. It’s even better as it cools down a bit and I can taste the sweetness of the cinnamon more. I think my husband will enjoy this tea since he loves cinnamon. I can’t get really excited over it but it’s still a good cup of tea.
Flavors: Cinnamon
This sample came from MissB. Another black tea that has surprised me. I tried to be so careful not to go over the steep time. I was actually planning on keeping a bit under the steep time as I don’t like my black tea strong but things happen and it went over by a couple of minutes. JustJames described it right. This is similar to ferarro rocher minus the chocolate! I don’t drink milk or cream but I bet for those who do this would be amazing with some milk added. Still a really good tea without anything added. Just love the hazelnut flavour. I’m glad there’s a bit more in the sample so I can enjoy this again.
Flavors: Nuts
Had this tea last night but didn’t get a review it. It really reminds me of the Earl Grey Rooibos from Rishi Teas. Now that tea has been an old standby in my tea cabinet. Not everyone loves Earl Grey but anything Earl Grey to me is like comfort food. Just love it. So back to this tea. It has a strong wonderful Earl Grey aroma and flavour that blends well with the rooibos. Still, I wouldn’t be able to tell this from Rishi’s tea. I am just surprised that anyone could not love this tea. Then again, I LOVE floral and Earl Grey.