What was I thinking? Picking up loose tea samples today at Bulk Barn to try them out. I’ve had some before in the past and never liked them but thought I would try some new ones, thinking – you just never know. Since I joined Steepster and have been ordering teas online it seemed I’ve just got to have that new taste sensation all the time. I’m guessing there are a few like me here on Steepster. And yes, a whole bunch of Bulk Barn teas came up on Steepster so I don’t feel so alone anymore.
So anyway, this smelled quite nice dry. Just a hint of orange. Oolong looked to be a decent quality so brewed it up at the temp I used for oolong, I think around the 190. I can smell the light orange in it but the flavour is awful. What kind of cheap oolong did they use is this? Okay, maybe it’s not that bad, but it’s certainly not good. I’m probably spoiled from all the good milk oolong I’ve been drinking lately.