drank Bada Wolf Sheng by JalamTeas
1016 tasting notes

I finally have a glazed gaiwan of comparable size to my young sheng clay pot, so that I can do a side by side comparison. I used this particular tea for that purpose, as I haven’t tried it in a while.

The tea itself hasn’t changed much. It is still very floral with a strong honey sweetness, a chalky mouthfeel and a green bell pepper flavour to it. The main characteristics are its incredible longetivity and huigan (given the price). In some sense, this is the perfect tea to explain what huigan is to people who are not into pu’er.

As far as the pot comparison is concerned, I found very little difference. The glazed gaiwan yielded a bit more astringency and bite initiallly, and a slightly more vegetal profile overall. On the other hand, the tea from the clay pot was less floral and a bit more brassy. All in all, the difference was negligible I would say.

Flavors: Astringent, Floral, Green Bell Peppers, Honey, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

At first I thought it was called ‘Bad Wolf’ haha. Any Doctor Who fans in the house?? No? Just me then. :’)

Martin Bednář

My brother is :) Nattie. But I don’t like it that much honestly, maybe too much “sci-fi crazy” for me.


Martin – haha, ‘sci-fi crazy’ accurately describes a large portion of my interests (:


ashmanra – oh my gosh I am in love with your dog! And the matching Four scarves!! heart eyes


Nattie: Thank you! They were fun to make! Four was my first and favorite in my young years! My son is a scout trooper with the 501st and my godson is an imperial gunner, and Star Wars is a pretty big deal in our house, too. My godson also used to cosplay – excellently, I might add – the ninth doctor!

Mastress Alita

@Nattie: I totally read it as “Bad Wolf” as well, and had to do a double-take. But I’m also a huge Doctor Who fan, hahaha.

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At first I thought it was called ‘Bad Wolf’ haha. Any Doctor Who fans in the house?? No? Just me then. :’)

Martin Bednář

My brother is :) Nattie. But I don’t like it that much honestly, maybe too much “sci-fi crazy” for me.


Martin – haha, ‘sci-fi crazy’ accurately describes a large portion of my interests (:


ashmanra – oh my gosh I am in love with your dog! And the matching Four scarves!! heart eyes


Nattie: Thank you! They were fun to make! Four was my first and favorite in my young years! My son is a scout trooper with the 501st and my godson is an imperial gunner, and Star Wars is a pretty big deal in our house, too. My godson also used to cosplay – excellently, I might add – the ninth doctor!

Mastress Alita

@Nattie: I totally read it as “Bad Wolf” as well, and had to do a double-take. But I’m also a huge Doctor Who fan, hahaha.

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Hi, I am a researcher in math, physics and computer science. Apart from teas and mathematics, I enjoy sports and traveling, as well as music of all kinds. Connect at https://rateyourmusic.com/~Togo

I had been drinking Japanese green tea for a while before discovering the world of tea in 2017. I rarely drink blends and generally avoid artificially scented teas. Other than that I try to keep it varied.

My rating description:
100 _ Unforgettable tea, an experience that changes your life.
90 – 100 _ Excellent tea.
80 – 90 _ Very enjoyable, I will buy again.
70 – 80 _ I enjoyed it, but I most likely won’t be buying it again.
60 – 70 _ Decent.
50 – 60 _ Average, forgettable.
40 – 50 _ I didn’t really like the tea, but it is drinkable.
0 – 40 _ I would prefer to avoid the tea.


Innsbruck, Austria

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