So, this is my favourite tea? And it’s a white? And it’s not Indian? Hard to believe. two months ago I would have laughed at the idea!
I think that the fact that I start the day with this tea means it is the most likely to get logged – I had about 7 cups of various teas yesterday that weren’t. I just don’t get the time.
But still I love it.
I’ve had a bad night, woke up with a migraine aboround 5:30, took some Disprin Forté and awoke at 7am with the taste of salicylates and opiates in my mouth.
Restore me please, oh wonderful tea!
This is a perfectly balanced cup, even though it’s about 450ml.
The liquor firstly cleaned my tongue, before the second sip started stripping the furry feeling from the back of the roof of my mouth.
Third sip and there’s the tea in all its glory. Its slight dry mouthfeel is not quite what I need, but I’ll just have some more.
Now a third of the way down, and I am truly refreshed.
It’s Australia Day, so I have the day off, a wonderful sunny Adelaide Day, it’s 7:20, time to head to the deck, enjoy the early morning breeze, contemplate the leg of lamb that has been marinating for two days, and think about how truly rich my life is.
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well…but the prospect of a leg of lamb on a deck on a nice day seems like enough to make almost anything better!
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well…but the prospect of a leg of lamb on a deck on a nice day seems like enough to make almost anything better!
And tea! Lots and lots. I have already laid them out, an Assam for mid-morning. Moroccan mint in the heat of the day, Quince Rooibos mid arvo, and an Aussie Daintree with the lamb at dinner time.
And I’m clearly feeling better!