This tea smells absolutely devine. It is definitely a blueberry tea.
I got this one last night for Christmas with my dad. He absolutely spoiled me!! Two bags of tea, three mini tins, and one ‘cake’ of tea. The cake of tea is really blowing my mind right now too. I can’t wait to try it.
Anyway, I could smell this one through the wrapping paper and actually thought it was black licorice, but obviously I was wrong (Thankfully too. I don’t like black licorice).
It says to steep for 3-5mins. I did three. Most of the time, the shorter steeps are better for teas I’m finding. Anyways… So I added some milk and sugar, but not too much.. probably half a sugar and the same for milk. It smells like blueberry city over here! Delish!
It’s still quite hot, but the taste I’m getting is just amazing!!! For someont that thought she didn’t like blueberries all that much, I’m being proven VERY wrong!! Blueberries are awesome! This tastes like fresh blueberries. It’s got a nice mild black tea base from what I’m getting so far, and a very juicy blueberry flavour.
According to what is written on the packaging this tea is a “unique and very popular premium black tea blend tasting of fresh hand-picked Nova Scotia wild blueberries. It’s delicious served hot or over ice.”
I can see that for sure. I bet iced would be very nice too. I don’t ususally do black teas iced, but I’d be more than willing to try one of these iced. Or as a latte… or an Iced latte!
So happy dad got me one of these. I’ve been dying to try it since I first smelt it, and I have a feeling I’m going to finish this one quickly.