I feel very confused by this tea.
Last time I had it, I had added a tiny bit of sugar, but even that was too much for this tea. It made it almost undrinkably sweet. It wasn’t right. So, today, I’m trying it straight up.
I’m finding this one to be confused. I almost feel like it’s having an identity crisis. This tea knows it should be chai flavoured and it’s trying, but at the same time, I feel it’s trying to be something mellower and softer than what it is. It’s trying to be fruity too, but it’s not quite succeeding.
The cinnamon is the strongest flavour in the tea for sure. It’s really all I can taste. I think I can taste the caradmon too. I thought it was nutmeg for a moment there. It’s almost got a cinnamon/nutmeg taste like the cookies I make, but it doesn’t quite work for me for this tea. I might have to try it with milk or try it as a latte.
Straight up I leave feeling sad… haha It’s such a sweet tea… it’s too much…