I’ve never had a Canadian Breakfast tea before! I didn’t even know they exist!
My dad gave this to me along with a bunch of other teas. I’m so excited to try them all! This one is absolutely delicious! I love it. I finally understand the ‘malty’ term I think. This one has it and it’s nice. The tea is not overpowering in any way. I find it to be quite nice. I used 1tsp per cup and steeped for 3 mins. I’m starting to notice the Metro tea company’s black teas only need about 3mins. I’m not too sure why that is. I haven’t been able to figure out why some are short times and some are long. It really doesn’t make sense. If anyone knows, could you let me know? I would love to know why.
Anyway, so today is almost another snowmaggedon out there. I can’t believe it. Last night was bad and it only got worse. I think it’s basically stopped now, but I’m not even too sure about that. This tea was great to have today. I wish it hadn’t cooled off so much by the time I got to drink it, but it did ‘cause I had to get to work and my car got stuck in the snow. I had a neighbour come by and help me out. I don’t even know the guy, but he saw me stranded and he came and helped push my car plus helped shovel out my tires so I could move.
That’s the one nice thing about this kind of weather. You get a chance to help each other out and be there for one another. I find that something like this really can bring society together if they let it. I love seeing these blossoms of goodness in life when you finally get a chance to see the good in people and the helping, generous spirit that people have. Growing up, I always thought that was what people were like, and when I realized it wasn’t always the case, I really got upset. I didn’t understand how terrible people can be. But, like I said, I love these moments when people show their good sides and give me back the hope that maybe people really are good and have good hearts…
I dunno.. just my random thoughts this morning.
Anyway, definitely recommend the tea. I think it’s great!