T&C TTB #20
I have this notion that vanilla tea should be the best thing ever, but I am finding that I have such high expectation for vanilla tea and that most straight vanilla black teas do not live up to it. This was tasty, but nothing to write home about.
Well I guess its better not to try it because I don’t know how we would get more.
Thanks on the picture, I tried changing it back but could not. I think it looks a funny/weird yellow face with crazy blue hair when it is small.
Is it to late for you to get Vanilla Excellence from the box?
Unfortunately yes, the box is on the move. I take it this was a pretty good vanilla tea?
Ooh I like your new picture!!!
Well I guess its better not to try it because I don’t know how we would get more.
Thanks on the picture, I tried changing it back but could not. I think it looks a funny/weird yellow face with crazy blue hair when it is small.
Haha, I see how you could get that. A picture of a Texas flag with a tea cup would be fun!