818 Tasting Notes

drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
818 tasting notes

First let me say that the little sample of this that I got awhile back was amazing, which lead me to today, where I was supposed to receive my “giant” order (100g tin) of it, but I am tea-less! :(

So, instead of me writing a great note about how happy I am to finally get this tea, I am super bummed out. The postal service “missent” my tea, so who knows when I’ll get it. It was supposed to be here today, but it didn’t come with the regular mail, and then I finally saw the update that it was “missent.” I really hope that it was just placed on the wrong mail truck, that it is still in my city, and that it will show up tomorrow.

This was a major disappointment to me, because I’ve been wanting this tea for months now and finally ordered it. AND, I had a difficult meeting to lead today at work, and I told myself that once I got through it I would have this tea to look forward to!! Super bummer!!

I really hope it comes tomorrow. New tea is supposed to decrease stress, not increase it! Stupid postal service!

UPDATE: Still no tea :( I hope it’s not lost!

UPDATE 2: It’s here! It’s here! Finally! I snooped through the blinds to see if the postman was putting a box in my mailbox, and he did! My husband was nice enough to go out and get it because I’m still in PJ’s, cuz I’m off work today. ;) It smells delicious! Gonna have some now! YIPPEE!!


Ohhh, that’s really upsetting. :( Fingers are crossed that this’ll appear in your box tomorrow.


Thanks, Chizakura! I just couldn’t believe that the one time I actually am planning to reward myself with it, it doesn’t arrive. I usually don’t have too much trouble getting stuff when they say it will arrive.


Bummer!!!!! Can you call the usps? I’ve done that before. They were reasonably helpful!


Ya, I think I’ll see if it comes tomorrow, and if not, call them.


Oh, this was my favorite from them! Hope you get it soon soon soon!


YAY! Let us know how it is! Two of us got some Nina’s and it was a bit strong, stronger than the samples, but after a short airing it was very very nice!


HOORAY! :D Lost tea would be a very sad thing indeed. So glad you didn’t have to wait weeks on end for it!

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
818 tasting notes

So, I tried three steeps of this tea. One with milk and sugar, one without, and tonight, one steeped for less time (3 minutes). My mom gave me a sample of this tea, because I was really interested in having a delicious tea in the evening that had all the characteristics of my favorite black dessert teas without the caffeine. This tea isn’t it. Bummer.

There are a couple of reasons. First, the vanilla is not my kind of vanilla, although it’s not terrible. Second, the astringency is too much. Even the 3-minute steep had astringency. Blech. It’s really too bad, but I’m glad I didn’t just go for it and buy a tin of this. I guess I’m stuck with naturally caffeine-free teas for the evening.


It’s lovely with a sprinkle of peppermint tossed into the infuser. Yum.


That sounds like a nice combo.


Aw that’s too bad, I really enjoy this one as a caffeine free option!

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Another tea that would be made better by the new variable temperature kettle I am waiting for. Last time I made this tea, all I got was cheese. This time, I steeped it with cooler water and for 3 minutes, even though the instructions say 4-7 minutes. The result was MUCH better! It tasted milky, and I thought I tasted a little peach in there somewhere. Nice! BUT, still not as good as Della Terra’s. ;)

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Drank my second to last cup of this tea. It’s good, but still doesn’t live up to my expectations based on its name.

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Steeped this first thing with cooler water and it was better. I think I am now impatiently waiting for my variable temperature kettle. So much experimenting I’ll be able to do!

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Got my first full bag of this is the mail yesterday! I noticed a lot more blueberries, which has to be good, right? I liked it so much when TastyBrew sent me a sample, that I had to get some. I think I messed up my cup this morning, though. Forgot to put down the little whistle on my kettle, so the water was probably way too hot. Still tasted good, but not as good as before. I just ordered a variable temperature kettle (YAY!), so that should prevent those types of mistakes in the future! I also got an iced tea steeper and finally ordered Nina’s grand amour tea! I feel a little spoiled right now! ;)


I had this tea this morning too! That variable temperature kettle will be awesome. The best I’ve made this tea is at 185 for about 2.5-3 mins and then resteep for about 6 and it’s still very tasty.


That’s funny! Thanks for the temperature! I can’t wait to get my new kettle!


I have this in the mail. I love anything blueberry and can’t wait to try it.

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Drinking my last cup of this and I’m a little sad to see it go. I was pretty blown away by this tea when I first got it. It’s got such a great cake flavor. I do get the hint of pineapple that others find lacking, which makes this a great “tea copy” of the real thing. I feel like I’ve grown away from these super sweet dessert teas to more natural flavored ones, but occasionally, it’s nice to go back. This tea also has the most penetrating aroma ever, and in a good way! Maybe Della Terra should get into the candle business!

Overall, I’m not positive that I will buy more of this, mostly because there are so many teas out there to try, and I’m only one person! Ha! The other reason is that I really like this tea, but it doesn’t blow me away anymore. It sure is interesting to see how our taste buds evolve.


I’ve always liked Della Terra “dessert-y” teas. They doo a good job of replicating the real thing.


I really enjoy this as a “drink” but i can’t taste any actual tea flavor. But I really do like this as a sweet treat in the afternoon.


Ya, you’re right. The cakey flavor overpowers the tea flavor.


Definitely no tea flavour!

Della Terra Teas

Tealizzy, we actually used to make candles! haha.


Della Terra – that’s hilarious! Maybe you should do both! Ha! :)

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drank Fruits d'Alsace by Harney & Sons
818 tasting notes

My mom got me a sample of this tea in her last order. Now, fruity blacks and me have a love/hate relationship, in that I really like some, but don’t like others. This is one in the latter group. The tea base isn’t bad, but I don’t really like the cherry flavor. That could be because I’m not big on cherry flavor in the first place though. I really like REAL cherries, but not cherry flavor. I gave the last cup of my sample to my coworker, who liked it much more than me. So, I’m calling this a SIPDOWN! :)

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Is there such a thing as Steepster withdrawal? If so, I think I’ve just experienced it. I was on travel for work for only a couple days, but I really missed Steepster! And I also missed black tea! I stayed with a coworker and she gave me green tea. Now, I am not yet a fan of green tea…I have hopes though, that someday I will appreciate it in all forms. ;) Anyway, not only did I have Steepster withdrawal, but I didn’t have black tea with breakfast! The shock! The horror! Lol! Black tea withdrawal!

So, I made up for it with 3 cups of black tea today;) AND I picked up some blueberry cream cheese danish black tea (via my smartphone) while I was staying over. Hey! It sells out quickly!

Anyway, this tea…it wasn’t bad. Not too grassy. More like squash, I think. I can handle squash. Interesting to try, and maybe if I ever get myself to venture into non-toasty, more grassy green tea land, I’ll get some.


Yum, sencha! Welcome back to tealand ;)


Ha! I totally hear you. No black tea would be super hard for me. I can’t think of the last time I’ve gone multiple days… Green tea is good, but definitely wouldn’t fill the void. And no steepster? Double whammy!

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Drinking this tea this morning after having a bunch of less-than-stellar teas as of late. This one never disappoints. You can make it at home in your proper steeping equipment or at work in the microwave. Still tastes like delicious buttered cinnamon swirl bread. It’s so thick, it really feels like liquid breakfast. Yum. :)


I haven’t had this in awhile. I gotta make some soon.

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Another profile facelift! My tastes have changed a lot from when I first discovered loose leaf tea.

I can trace my tea journey back to October 2012, when I discovered DavidsTea. Before that, I had the occasional cup and enjoyed high tea at An Afternoon to Remember, which has since closed.

I went through a period of wanting to try all the teas, and was really into flavored teas, especially dessert blacks, but my tastes have substantially changed over time.

I still enjoy the occasional flavored black or rooibos, but I’m more into unflavored black teas right now and recently, puerh. Chinese black teas are amazing…with their notes of chocolate or sweet potato, who needs a flavored tea? I had a much steeper learning curve when it came to puerh. I used to dump out cups of puerh for tasting like leather. Now, I am really enjoying them. I think it took finding good quality puerh and steeping them gong fu style to really enjoy them.

I also, on occasion, enjoy a good oolong, white, or green tea.

Favorite tea companies right now include: Mandala, Teavivre, Butiki, Golden Moon, Lupicia, and DavidsTea (for teaware mostly).

Just a note: I don’t rate my teas numerically because my iPad doesn’t like the scroll bar. Maybe someday that will change…hint hint, steepster! ;)

P.S. My profile picture is of one of my 2 cats, Holly, who is a little princess but very photogenic, and she loves boxes, including those that bring me tea! :)


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