Part of me never wanted to steep this, just so I could keep this pretty little tea in my collection, FOREVER! Alas, I did eventually plop the whole sample in a teapot and as the combination of herbs, fruits and flowers steeped, mint notes started enticing me to prematurely pour a cup. I didn’t, but I also didn’t make it through the WHOLE 10 minutes before curiosity got the better of me, stopping the steeping at about 7 minutes in. At this point the cup develops a distinctly lemon aroma, which would usually set alarm bells ringing, as I HATE hot lemon. Luckily, it was more lemon sherbet than Lemsip, so I felt pretty relaxed about giving the blend a taste. The flavour… well it’s actually pretty subtle. I could see why the packet suggested 10 minutes, in order to give full force to the flavours, which are predominantly a floral field taste mingled with gentle lemon and mint. Anyone can see that this is an aesthetically beautiful blend, but none of these notes are particularly punchy or overpowering. It’s perhaps a decent pre-bed sort of tea.
For more on tea:
Flavors: Floral, Lemon, Lemongrass, Mint