Yet another fan-based tea blend, this time it’s Dr. Who! I just started watching Dr. Who and now I can’t stop! I love the smell of this tea. It is straight up berries. I know there is some earl grey in there, but it is more of a whisper than a real player. This makes me extremely happy as I am not a huge fan of Earl Grey teas. This also has a slight tart note that makes it memorable.
When I first tasted it I looked at my husband and said “it tastes blue!” I think that it tastes very similar to blueberry muffins or blueberry bagels. I’m glad that this is a black tea blend because I think that it goes better as a base instead of a lighter one. I think that this one is going to be a great blend for school days. I will have to try this cold because I think the berry would really stand out.
Great blend and as always, very cute art!
Although I’m bummed because things keep getting leaked and I’d rather not know til it happens.
Yeah I don’t even look at the fandom yet because I still haven’t finished anything really. I normally don’t care about spoilers, but I kind of want to be surprised this time :3
I actually started with the newest doctor. Netflix lists it as season 5. I have no idea how accurate it is. I watched an episode a really long time ago that my husband and I love, but now we’re unsure of what season/doctor it was.
The first episode I ever saw was with Matt Smith (Christmas episode 2010). THEN I went back and started at the beginning of the “new” ones and rode the wave through Eccleston and Tennant. It’s wonderful – I hope you enjoy! : )
:D Thanks! I am really enjoying the show so far and hopefully soon I’ll be caught up enough to be part of the fandom w/o spoilers! lol I saw someone at school the other day with a Dr. Who shirt and I just wanted to hug them.
My beau bought me a Sonic Screwdriver for my birthday last year. Not only does it make awesome noises, but I’ve actually fixed a bunch of stuff with it. : )
Although I’m bummed because things keep getting leaked and I’d rather not know til it happens.
Yeah I don’t even look at the fandom yet because I still haven’t finished anything really. I normally don’t care about spoilers, but I kind of want to be surprised this time :3
Good thing I didn’t say anything specific then! What season/series are you up to?
I actually started with the newest doctor. Netflix lists it as season 5. I have no idea how accurate it is. I watched an episode a really long time ago that my husband and I love, but now we’re unsure of what season/doctor it was.
The first episode I ever saw was with Matt Smith (Christmas episode 2010). THEN I went back and started at the beginning of the “new” ones and rode the wave through Eccleston and Tennant. It’s wonderful – I hope you enjoy! : )
:D Thanks! I am really enjoying the show so far and hopefully soon I’ll be caught up enough to be part of the fandom w/o spoilers! lol I saw someone at school the other day with a Dr. Who shirt and I just wanted to hug them.
My beau bought me a Sonic Screwdriver for my birthday last year. Not only does it make awesome noises, but I’ve actually fixed a bunch of stuff with it. : )
:O sweet!