772 Tasting Notes
Drinking this again, prepared the same way as last time for best results. Glad I remembered and thought to check. Trying to share this pot with a co-worker/friend of mine but she works on the 3rd floor and all I know is that she’s no longer at her desk where I can bug her to come down, not where she is. Oh, here she is. And she likes it!
For myself, I think I underleafed this a bit because the most prominent flavour I detect is water, followed by strawberry. The usual amount of tea I put in a pot for 750 ml of tea is 4 tsps but I probably should have used more this time. It’s still tasty, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t live up to my last tasting note previous to this.
Matcha gets so much frothier when you sift it! I had no idea. Now to just get it into my routine so I don’t forget to sift half of the time despite the little sifter being right in front of me.
This is a tasty flavour, but I made the decision this afternoon that I’m not going to restock it once I’m out. I just don’t like it enough to do that. There are too many other good flavours.
Remembered to not put sugar in this time! I got so far as to lifting the spoon full of sugar out of the container but remembered just in time. This has a good taste without the sugar, still pretty sweet and tasty. I think I’ll try to make it without sugar from now on, though that is not the case with all of my flavours, just this one at present. I’m a sugar-holic.
Almost forgot to log this! Tastes better than yesterday when I burned it with too hot water that I didn’t notice until the end of the day. I checked the water temperature today. I’m almost through with this pack of matcha! I think I have one more latte’s worth of matcha left at this flavour level and then I can bring from home my robust flavour level french vanilla matcha and hopefully that will be even better! I love vanilla flavoured things. This matcha latte wasn’t my best ever, but it was nice. Not great, just nice.
Which, according to the number of tasting notes I have of this, 30g of matcha from RLT equals about 12 servings. Good to know.
Wow… yeah, I definitely put a lot more matcha into my drinks than other people! I think a 30g packet is like… 4 lattes for me? If that? They’re ~500mL, to be fair, but still…
Wow, that’s a lot of matcha in one drink. Totally getting all of your antioxidants there. If I add more than 2/3-3/4 of a tsp to each drink the bitter matcha flavour overwhelms whatever flavouring is added for me and I don’t like it anymore, or it just tastes chemical-y. Good for me to make it last longer, I guess. :)
Well, upon first blush, this smells kind of but not strongly apple-y. It’s still very hot so perhaps the smell will come out more when it cools down. I’m not sure why there is the word ‘crunch’ in the title because it is not a word I think of when I think of tea, but according to the other tasting notes, this will taste of apples and cream.
Tasting it now, there’s definitely an apple flavour to it, which is nice. The apple flavour is what gets noticed first and it is the strongest flavour. I don’t pick up much ‘cream’ but I’ve never been good with that concept and I add milk to most of my black teas anyway so that might be part of it. This seems like a very ‘thin’ tea to my feeling. Not much substance to it. I like it okay, but I wouldn’t make a purchase.
Thanks to Jackie T for trading this to me.
Backlogging this from the weekend. This was actually my first cup but I didn’t want this tasting note to be on top. I put way too much matcha in it and it just tasted vaguely bitter and not like the flavouring (or the smell!) is supposed to at all. The second cup, that I reviewed, tasted much better.
Got this trade from Jackie T Thanks Jackie!
This is very chocolatey and floral. I did as other tasting notes suggested and didn’t raise my expectations too high and didn’t actually expect it to taste like the name suggests and it’s not bad. Since Jackie had trouble at 3 minutes with bitterness, I dropped the temperature and only steeped for 2.5 minutes and I’m not having a bitterness issue at all. Of course, I also add milk and sugar to my black teas, so that might be part of it also, but I’m very sensitive to bitterness so I can usually taste it anyway.
I’m not really sure how I feel about the floral aspects of this. The flowery tastes mingle strangely with the chocolate ones and it doesn’t feel melded well, or ‘together’ enough for me, like they’re competing and the floral is winning. I would rather the chocolate to win.
All in all, this is okay. Someone would probably like it better than me if they like floral aspects more than me. I’m glad I got to try this, but I won’t be drinking the…1/2-1 tsp left in my sample. Now what to do with it! My heart hurts when I throw tea in the trash.
Bleh, just figured out I’ve been burning my matcha all day. Somehow the kettle got reset to 208 instead of 175. No wonder they haven’t tasted quite right. This one continues the trend. Very minty though. Very minty.
When I’m at work, I just go down to the cafeteria and pick up those little half-pint containers of milk to bring up to my desk to make matcha lattes with all day. I alternate between a matcha latte and a pot of tea and the day goes by…
Drinking this, this afternoon! 3rd matcha of the day! Tasty as always, though I might get it with robust flavouring next time, because there definitely will be a next time. Good hot latte.
Added a bit of black cherry to my champagne matcha to see if I liked it. Turns out that nope, doesn’t make it better. Not terrible but I forgot that I’m not adding sugar to my champagne matcha lattes anymore so it was overly sweet too. Perhaps next time I will actually read my tasting notes before making it. Bad me.