So I’m having trouble drinking tea lately, like there’s some sort of psychological block against tea. Trying to post this comment again because Sinatra tried to crawl into my lap while I was typing and accidentally deleted everything.
So I made some of this today, it had to be herbal because I wasn’t feeling up to a subtle tea and I have no milk so most of my black teas are completely out. Made a pot so I have another mug of this left.
I don’t know if I don’t like this as much as the first time because the tea’s 9 months old at this point or because I’ve gotten out of the habit of tasting a lot of flavours. There is a lot of flavours in this tea and I’m having trouble parsing them out. Hibiscus is the strongest today :P And there’s something sickening that’s pinging at the very back of my tongue that I can’t figure out what it is but it’s putting that shudder down my spine when I drink deeply.
Not going to change the rating, I don’t think, but something to remind myself of if I decide to purchase this again. I think I have one more pot left of this. I used almost 7 tsp to make 850ml or so.