Brought a bag of teas to the coffee shop today to drink while I hang out there. It takes effort for me not to turn into a hermit when I’m depressed so I try to be out of my house when I can stand to be. I usually end up in a coffee shop or restaurant. Although I used a lot of their hot water that they gave me for free, I did order a drink and a food item to justify taking up their space for hours.
So I had 2 12-oz cups of this with unknown temperature (they quoted me at 190, but it just doesn’t feel that hot to me when I was testing it). First time I put the recommended amount of tea in the bag and it tasted as good as I remember, but much weaker. Possibly age? I’m coming up on a year for this tea rather quickly. Second cup I put about twice as much of the dry tisane and it was much stronger, that nice red colour that hibiscus lends although I usually hate it because it’s too sour, but it’s really pretty okay with a bit of sugar in this. It tasted much better the second try.
I also had an actual conversation with another coffee patron. Nice guy, cute, younger than me, told me he thought I was 26 or 27, which was flattering. Apparently I have vocabulary patterns more common to people younger than me, but I do spend a LOT of time on the internet. We talked for over an hour about ourselves and aspirations and jobs and such. Conversation started because I was airing out my new tattoo after the first washing (about an hour after the tattoo artist finishes with the painful part). So that was pretty nice. Don’t know how we haven’t run into each other before, but overall it was pretty nice, and I usually avoid human contact when I’m not feeling good. Guess I was having a better day than I thought. Anyway enough personal stuff. Hope you all are doing well and enjoying the weekend.