Trying this matcha, my 7th run at flavoured matchas, right after having the French Vanilla matcha so I can definitely taste the difference. They really aren’t very similar at all.
Aside from the custard-y vanilla flavour that’s not quite the same as the french vanilla, there’s also the definite flavour of lemon! Quite strong for me too. This is the classic matcha grade with distinctive level flavouring made into a hot latte with a couple ounces of water, frothed with a fork (I’m at work) and finally with one of those little half pints of milk like you get when you’re little for $0.25 from the school cafeteria in elementary school. They’re probably a dollar now, but they were 25 cents in my day! Man I feel so old, I’m only 30! But I digress.
There is a slight hint of bitterness in this that I didn’t experience with the French Vanilla matcha, that one was a bit smoother, but this one is creamier and the bitterness is quickly overtaken by the flavour of matcha and vanilla/lemon. I think I like the distinctive flavour level on this one, I’m not sure I’d want the lemon flavour to get any stronger. But this is good. Not my favourite, but good. Another success! Now I just need to keep that streak going for the next…15 matchas that I have that I haven’t tried. I won’t be opening them all at the same time though, I only have so many tins and I’d be hard pressed to drink them all while they are still fresh if I had that many open at the same time. A pity, but I’m happy to drink the ones I’ve tried so far that I purchased.
This matcha can be found at: