made from germinated brown rice, mugwort, wheat, black beans, barley, and job’s tears. Snipping the little package open and giving it a good sniff (while not getting powder up my nose, win!) you can certainly tell this is a rice and grain based drink. It smells like sticky rice, regular rice, and cereal with a little bit of sweetness, kinda reminds me of Cream of Rice.
After I mix it with warm water and give it a thorough stirring…and then let it cool enough so I don’t burn my tongue, it is time to taste this rice based tea. It is really quite tasty, if you are into drinking warm and slightly creamy tea that tastes like a mixture of nuts, green things, and sweet cream of rice. Conveniently I am, but as Ben was kind enough to tell me, this one might be a very acquired taste. Especially since you have to stir it constantly or it more or less forms cream of rice at the bottom of your cup.
For blog and photos:
Hehe, I am finding these quirky things at my local Asian Market, they had them 6 for a dollar so I got one of each :P
Where are you finding all these unusual teas? Mugwort & beans? Did you just make this one up? :p
Hehe, I am finding these quirky things at my local Asian Market, they had them 6 for a dollar so I got one of each :P
Wow, I need to get to the tea aisle at the local Asia Mall!
It can be addictive! I went to get stocked up on Shui Hsien and ended up with all these silly samples and a whole (cheap) Pu Erh cake
I had to put back the tins of Dong Ding and Lung Jing that I originally had in my cart, but I will be going back for them soon.