Day #7 of 24……
I received this sample from the ever gracious ashmanra. Thank you so much for sending me a huge pile of samples for Harney that I wouldn’t have gotten to as soon, if at all. I am actually enjoying this broadening of my tastes.
As a realtive noob to green teas, I really like this one. I even drank it straight up. And it is certainly going on my next Harney order. I get the light tropical flavor of pineapple with the light grassy (I am sure I am supposed to call this vegetal, but it is simply grassier tasting than the black tea I usually drink, and it is a pleasant grassy…..) Very easy to drink. And obviously a good place for me to start with greens. It is refreshing and light, which I can see getting used to very easily.
15 oz mug, 175 water, just over 2 tsp tea, 3 minutes. Straight up!
My oldest daughter doesn’t like tea but started drinking it for health reasons. I told her I would buy her whatever Harney tea she picked, and this is the one! Barnes and Noble was offering a BOGO on Harney tins so I picked it up for her tonight. Since she is making it at work, she wanted sachets. Glad you liked it!
My oldest daughter doesn’t like tea but started drinking it for health reasons. I told her I would buy her whatever Harney tea she picked, and this is the one! Barnes and Noble was offering a BOGO on Harney tins so I picked it up for her tonight. Since she is making it at work, she wanted sachets. Glad you liked it!