I just happen to be drinking this same tea! I wish I was into a good book instead of work…
Happy Friday Afternoon!
Ha..I am finally getting around to working my way through the Girl With the Dragon Tatoo series. I am one of those people that once I get into a book, all else in the world pretty much screetches to a hault. I think Three Cups of Tea is next, but I kind of want to read up on some of the controversy first… Then probably Terry Pratchett or a Cornelia Funke book…I try to read ahead of my kids a little to know what they are reading.
Started a re-read of the Hobbit (gotta love those Tooks and Bagginses) last night, before that was a history of the Battle (s) of Ypres during WWI. Time for something…lighter. I will be interested in your take on Three Cups…
@ashmanra-I just discovered Pratchett, so I have a long way to go!
@mrawlins2-That is one of my favorite series of books! We have her latest Reckless. My DS is a voracious reader and it is really hard to keep him in age appropriate books (he is 12).
Jen, for your sone I recommend the Ralph Moody books in order, starting with Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers. I sobbed so hard reading it aloud to my children at the end of the book, that my then 10 year old son stood behind me patting my shoulder! But they are excellent books and a true story. The Home Ranch has a little cursing from the cowboys, but nothing too bad.
I just happen to be drinking this same tea! I wish I was into a good book instead of work…
Happy Friday Afternoon!
Which book?
Ha..I am finally getting around to working my way through the Girl With the Dragon Tatoo series. I am one of those people that once I get into a book, all else in the world pretty much screetches to a hault. I think Three Cups of Tea is next, but I kind of want to read up on some of the controversy first… Then probably Terry Pratchett or a Cornelia Funke book…I try to read ahead of my kids a little to know what they are reading.
Started a re-read of the Hobbit (gotta love those Tooks and Bagginses) last night, before that was a history of the Battle (s) of Ypres during WWI. Time for something…lighter. I will be interested in your take on Three Cups…
Love Pratchett! I need to re-read Night Watch and Feet Of Clay soon!
@SimplyJenW ~ I am currently reading Inkheart by Cornelia Funke and it is pretty awesome!
@ashmanra-I just discovered Pratchett, so I have a long way to go!
@mrawlins2-That is one of my favorite series of books! We have her latest Reckless. My DS is a voracious reader and it is really hard to keep him in age appropriate books (he is 12).
Jen, for your sone I recommend the Ralph Moody books in order, starting with Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers. I sobbed so hard reading it aloud to my children at the end of the book, that my then 10 year old son stood behind me patting my shoulder! But they are excellent books and a true story. The Home Ranch has a little cursing from the cowboys, but nothing too bad.
Thank you, ashmanra…I just put the first one on hold at the library! He can handle a little cursing, I am just trying to stay away from themes that are too adult.