Edit to add Folks….this is the 80,000th tasting note on Steepster! (about 6:40 am EDT, September 19, 2011…at least I think it was. I checked the number of tasting notes right after posting this and it said 80000….)
Tea of the early morning…..
I added some organic Keemun again. I guess I need a little more of a full flavor and the Keemun seems to make it perfect. Lucky for me, I have at least 5 versions of Keemun from several price points in my cupboard (some are samples). I think it might be time for Keemun Class…..just to see what changes with the pricetag! I love a little experiment!
Anyway, I love this one…the raspberry, the chocolate, the mate, and the chicory all rounded out with a little Keemun in my pot. Plus, the Keemun allows me to use a little less Chocolate Rocket, which means I can hold off for longer on making an order. (I really have got to stop adding so much to my cupboard……. and relax…….. and drink some tea!)
24 oz teapot, 4 tsp Chocolate Rocket (this has lots of bits with the mate), 1 1/2 tsp organic Keemun, freshly boiled water, 5 minutes. Lightly sweetened.
Wow, congrats on being the 80,000th! I feel like you should get a prize! :D
yaaay congrats! :D
Neato!!! congrats :)